The Long Range (White Panel) Antenna is a vital piece of your echo wireless network. The LRA is a very powerful directionaly based antenna. The LRA must be pointed directly at the iPads on the sideline to ensure the strongest signal possible.
(When setting up LRA, ensure it is able to point down, since your booth will be at a higher elevation than the field.)
To connect your LRA, connect one end of your cable to the back the antenna and the other end to the antenna port on your router that is closest to the power port.
- For best use, try to keep the antenna in line of sight of the coaches.
- Try not to place the antenna within 10 feet of your headset antennas.
- Don’t place the antenna directly behind a chainlink fence.
- The antenna is waterproof so you can leave it in the rain. (just not the router)
- You want to point the antenna towards the coaches (so they could read the logo on the white side)
There are several ways to setup your TP-Link High Power Antenna.
Setup Guide:
(Try using cheap cabinet liner from Walmart (about $5) as a buffer between your tripod and the mounting clamps. This provided enough grip to keep the antenna in place, but still allows you to rotate the antenna.)
Here are a few setups different schools used for reference.